Explore a suitable solution to Imam Samiullah issue at ADAMS Main
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

As salaam alaikum brothers and sisters. Not sure if all of you are aware that Imam Samiullah has been terminated from his position of a Quran teacher of our children from the ADAMS Tahfizul Quran program along with him NOT leading the prayers at ADAMS center.
PURPOSE of this signature campaign is to understand and gauge the support towards exploring a suitable solution to the crisis created by not having him in the Tahfizul Quran program at ADAMS along with his absence from leading the daily prayers the musullihs have come to cherish over the years.
Question: Do you feel the ADAMS Board of Trustee (BOT) decision should be re-considered in light of all the facts that are now coming out?
Allegations from ADAMS are as follows:
There is nothing too personal to Samiullah about any of these accusations:
These are the main accusations against Samiullah from the ADAMS executive committee. ADAMS board made decisions based on what executive committee presented to them.
However, we have spent numerous hours finding out facts from Samiullah, a few brothers are witnesses to these fact findings. Samiullah is saying that there are some truth to all of these, however, he has come away from his initial stance on most of the issue which ADAMS held against him. These are all up for negotiation and correctable in our opinion. He can and is willing to fix all of these problem for a 2nd chance, he says.
- Samiullah has been negligent on discharging of his duties of ADAMS
- Frequent Late or leaving early from Tahfizul Quran school
- Not present in daily prayers 5 times a day, 7 days a week
- Wants to take vacation for long periods of time every year
- He left for 1 month 12 days to aid his ailing brother, first to London, then to Kashmir to take Unani medication to cure his illness
- He opened up a school with 61+ students. Majority of these students are from the same ADAMS community. ADAMS Quran schools could not accommodate majority of these students due to capacity or a few of these students did not qualify for ADAMS Quran classes
- He asked to go to hajj every year
Taking a harsh stance like terminating him is debatable in our opinion. Allahu Alam, Allah Knows Best.