Support the ACLT's Efforts to Expand Logger Training Options in MN

The ACLT, at the request of our members, has established a training partnership with the Forest Industry Safety Training Alliance (FISTA) in Wisconsin. This program will provide another training option for ACLT members to maintain their mandatory SFI annual training. FISTA training is recognized by the MNDNR, St. Louis County, and other public land management agencies as well as referenced in Minnesota Statute as satisfying logger training requirements. Additionally, numerous mills in Minnesota accept wood from Wisconsin and Michigan loggers that have been trained through the FISTA program. The final approval is required from the SFI State Implementation Committee (SIC). The ACLT will be presenting this program and requesting approval at the SIC July 18th meeting.
As part of the presentation and request the ACLT will be submitting the following petition from ACLT members supporting this additional logger training program. Please sign below indicating your support.