Exam Influencing an Intercultural Audience too harsh!

The course Influencing an Intercultural Audience is a mandatory course that we have to complete in order to receive our five study points. However, there are some problems with the exam as only an average of 25% passed it the first time and only 20% passed it the second time while there were people resitting the exam. At first you could say that it lies with the students and they didn't learn hard enough as some people did pass, but when it happens a second time with a lower score it becomes obvious that there is something wrong with the exam. Besides that we also learned that the book is officially University material, which could compromise the exam in such a way that it becomes too hard for students to pass the exam. With this petition we want to try to convince the exam commission to adjust the exam or lower the difficulty that made it hard for us to pass it. If you agree, please leave your signature to help us to make this happen.