Aleister Denven Unknown 0

The Big Bang,Outer Space,Evolution And Extraterrestrial Life Are The 4 Evil Deceptions!

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The Big Bang,Outer Space,Evolution And Extraterrestrial Life are Evil,because they completely remove God and leave Humans completely alone with no hope!

Why are The Big Bang,Outer Space,Evolution And Extraterrestrial Life promoted - to make people reject God and to prepare people and The World for The Anti-Christ and The False Prophet!

Evolution has been accused of evil by friend,foe and doubter.Many creationists think that "Evolution" - the theory not the thing is a font of evil.They charge that it teaches us that we are "Nothing but animals" and so leads inevitably to nihilism.The fruits of Evolution in this sense according to prominent creationist Ken Ham are: lawlessness,immorality,impurity,abortion,racism and a mocking of God.In one version of this view Evolution is not just bad,but the central evil of the modern World - the rot at the heart of Everything from teen sex to genocide.But Evolution has often been thought evil or at least very nasty in another sense:the process itself can be seen as abhorrent.It strikes many sincere people as indifferent,cruel and wasteful;in it's course untold Trillions of sentient beings are ripped apart by predators,consumed slowly by parasites,ruined by disease,crushed,drowned,burned and otherwise subjected to horrible suffering.Most individuals do not even manage to reproduce!

How can a blind,deaf,handless,mindless and emotionless Force produce a powerful explosion,which creates a Entire Cosmic Universe full of countless Worlds,Planets,Solar Systems and Galaxies + other Cosmic Universes,which are also full of countless Worlds,Planets,Solar Systems and Galaxies?And How can a blind,deaf,handless,mindless and emotionless Force produce simple creatures and also complex thinking and feeling creatures?It can't,because it has no eyes,no ears,no hands,no mind and no feelings,because it doesn't know what,when,where,how and why it is doing and because it doesn't exist!

The Big Bang,Outer Space,Evolution and Extraterrestrial Life are The 4 Biggest Deceptions Of All!

The Big Bang,Outer Space,Evolution And Extraterrestrial Life must be wrong,because if The Big Bang,Outer Space,Evolution And Extraterrestrial Life are correct then Humans have no Soul,no Hope,no Future and no Destiny!

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