Syracuse Evict ICE Coalition 0


73 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Syracuse Evict ICE Coalition 0 Comments
73 people have signed. Add your voice!
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To: Mr. Robert Doucette, Building Owner, 401 S. Salina Street, Syracuse, NY

WE THE UNDERSIGNED are appalled and outraged that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), an institution involved in systematic harassment, intimidation, and abuse of immigrant communities, is operating with impunity in Syracuse, from an office located within your premises at 401 S. Salina Street. ICE agents routinely carry out raids in our neighborhoods, on public transportation, and in public areas and workplaces in and around the city, demanding that ordinary people, who have done nothing wrong, “show their papers.” These raids terrorize our immigrant and refugee communities, and people of color more generally, and create an atmosphere of fear and anxiety for Syracuse’s immigrants and refugees, their families, and their friends and co-workers. These raids are also an infringement of our Constitutional right to freedom of movement and assembly.

On July 31, 2018, more than 100 people took part in a protest that issued ICE an “eviction notice” for having violated the basic human rights of residents in and around Syracuse. Ten people were arrested in your building that day for standing up against ICE’s racist and xenophobic mandate.

Mr. Doucette, we demand that, in keeping with the most basic tenets of humanity, you terminate, and refuse to renew, the lease that allows ICE to run its Gestapo-style operations from an office in your building. Our understanding is that the current lease expires August 2019. We ask that you immediately, and publicly, state your intention to evict ICE when the current lease expires.

Evict ICE Coalition:
Workers' Center of Central New York
Syracuse Immigrant and Refugee Defense Network
International Socialist Organization - Syracuse
Democratic Socialists of America - Syracuse

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