Martin Ma Sun Life financial advisor6477826815 ON - Ontario 0

Everybody coming to Canada recently from new coronavirus outbreak area should be arranged for quarantine appropriately

1192 signers. Add your name now!
Martin Ma Sun Life financial advisor6477826815 ON - Ontario 0 Comments
1192 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now


the development of the new coronavirus epidemic is not optimistic! it has gradually erupted around the world in weeks. Do we have to rely on God Bless Canada?

Some members of parliament have awakened to speak on our behalf! But the government protection process is still slow!

I hope that everyone will work together and publicize on the plane so that those from the outbreak area realize the importance of isolation for a period of time and consciously ask relatives and friends to help arranging self-isolation; also call on their ethnic communities to form volunteer organizations to provide appropriate services. We continue to extensively seek channels to request the government to take effective measures with petions through parliamentarians at all levels, the media, joint signatures, and communications.

Friends who live together in this beautiful land, let us brainstorm and work hard to maintain a healthy home together! 

The health of life is “greater than the sky”. Whether politics is correct is left to politicians to discuss; and in the critical period, we are concerned that all living beings are as healthy as possible by preventing new coronavirus outbreak in Canada! When our voice becomes mainstream, it will help the officials adjust their policies, control the possible source from the airport through the government's main civil power, and arrange for all people from the recent outbreak areas to be isolated to reduce hidden dangers in can truly let Canadian residents feel at ease to work, go to school, go to restaurants, go to supermarkets, travel and play ...

Everyone who cares about life and health and cares for our habitats,please agree to sign the petition and forward! In order for Canada not to repeat the 2003 SARS incident, let’s work hard this year to avoid the similar outbreak as Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Italy, Iran and other countries!

朋友们, 现在疫情发展不容乐观!新冠疫情继中国之后几周内在世界各地逐渐爆发并有扩大趋势,我们要靠天佑加拿大吗?
生命健康大于天,政治是否正确留给政客们去讨论;而关键时期我们关心的是众生个体尽量安康, 防患于未然!当我们声音成为主流,就有助推动他们调整政策,通过政府力量为主民间力量为辅控制好机场源头,安排所有近期来自爆发区的人们隔离,以减少加拿大隐患。才能真正让加国居民安心上班,上学,上餐馆,去超市,出行娱乐......

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