Make the book series "Everworld" into a movie
The book series "Everworld", is such an amazing piece of literature that it NEEDS to be made to a movie. Since so much time has passed without there even being a mention of this I decided it was imperative that I take matters into my own hands. ---Here is a brief synopsis of the story:The idea of Everworld is that, many years ago (said to be near 1,000 years in Everworld time), the ruling gods of every pantheon (including Zeus, Odin, and Ra) assembled and agreed to abandon this world, known as the Old World, and create a new one called Everworld. The exact details of why they did this are unknown, though it has been suggested that as humans became more advanced, the gods realized they couldn't control this world anymore, but this is uncertain. In any event, Everworld was created, and the gods went across it, bringing with them every variety of magical creatures, as well as various human worshippers to continue serving them. The barrier between these two worlds was apparently weak for a while, allowing later medieval beings (such as the wizard Merlin) to cross over as well, but by now, is almost closed. However, there are worlds other than the Old World and Everworld, which are inhabited by alien species unlike anything human or mythological. These species have their own gods, who, for other unknown reasons, crossed over into Everworld. One of these species, the bug-like Hetwans, has a deity called Ka Anor, who, unlike human gods, requires the unusual sacrifice of gods to consume. His servants, meanwhile, have begun a genocidal campaign against the mortal inhabitants of Everworld. Certain humans have the power to open a gateway between Everworld and other worlds, including a girl named Senna Wales, a powerful and self-serving witch residing in Chicago. When the Norse god Loki brings her to Everworld, planning to use her to open a portal so that he (and, he claims, the other gods) can escape back and reclaim the Old World, several people she knows get drawn into Everworld with her, and must find a way to keep both worlds safe from evil forces while trying to find their own way home. Over the course of the series these characters get more and more involved in the conflicts and politics of Everworld's supernatural inhabitants, while Senna herself hopes to overthrow them all and rule Everworld for herself. ---Here is the list of Gods included in the story: * Greek o Zeus o Athena o Apollo o Artemis o Ares o Dionysus o Heracles o Hera o Aphrodite o Eros o Ganymede o Poseidon * Norse o Odin o Loki o Baldur o Thor o Hel o Midgard Serpent o Fenrir * Egyptian o Amun-Ra o Sobek o Isis o Khnum (not specifically named, but seen) * Roman o Neptune o Venus * Aztec o Huitzilopoctli o Quetzalcoatl * Celtic o Daghda o Brigid * Hetwan o Ka Anor