Make EVE Gate's features available to API developers

We the undersigned believe that EVE Online is a player driven and created world, and that the data created by the playerbase should be made available where possible and appropriate in an open and published format for developers to make use of, with the permission of the players involved. EVE Gate represents a good application from CCP, but is fundamentally flawed in that it brings data out of EVE, then forbids other developers from using it. Crawling the site has been banned with the threat of an account ban for those who ignore CCP's wishes, and all access must be through CCP's own website manually by players. We believe that CCP is ignoring and dismissing the developers who have donated tens and in some cases hundreds of hours of their time, for free, to CCP's players to create fantastic applications. We believe that players should be given APIs for every function in EVE Gate, with write access where it is provided in EVE Gate, and that any new features should be released on the site simultaneously with APIs for that feature. We believe that CCP should do this for the benefit of the playerbase, so that third party developers can continue to develop relevant, useful applications delivering features and functionality not provided by CCP, as well as enabling third party developers to compete with CCP, encouraging innovation and development from both sides.