No increase in swim team fees for 2011!

We, the below-signed members, parents of members of the Evansville Swim Team and other concerned citizens, are proposing that there be no increase in the cost of Evansville Swim Team participation for the 2011 summer season. We are aware that the Evansville City Council and Park Board are considering (or already have decided) to raise swim team fees from $50 ($60 non-resident) to $75 ($85 non resident) per child. This is a hardship for many families, especially those who have multiple children that participate in the swim team program, and we feel there are other ways to cut expenses and/or increase revenue at the pool.
While we understand the Board's position in trying to meet a budget, we feel that the increase will cause many families to decide not to participate in swim team, and this in return will result in even lower revenue for the pool. We feel that the swim team, which currently has approximately 75 members between the ages of 8 and 18, is an important part of the Evansville community and should be respected as such. Financial concerns aside, this is a quality of life issue for the children in our community, and should garner the attention it deserves. This is about the children and their right to have healthy activities available to them in the town in which they live.
We respectfully ask for your thoughtful consideration in this regard.