Eureka Neighbors Against High-Density Zoning at Hwy 109 / W / FF
Erik Herrmann 0

Eureka Neighbors Against High-Density Zoning at Hwy 109 / W / FF

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Erik Herrmann 0 Comments
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We the undersigned respectfully oppose the zoning application of Windswept Farms to change LR-2 (Large Lot Residential) to PR-1 (Planned Single-Family Residential) and the Development Plan for Windswept Farms. (Jefferson County Planning Division, Ref. num: PR117034)

Windswept Farms development is proposed on 172.63 acres and is requesting a rezoning from LR-2 (Large lot residential) to PR 1 (high-density single-family residential). The plan is to build a high-density subdivision of 549 units, with frontage and entrances on hwy 109, W and FF. The parcels adjoin the Mirasol subdivision on the east side and Haas Acres and North Point Trails on the east and southern sides. The plan can be viewed here: (

Reasons against this rezoning and plan include:

  • The PR-1 zoning and its consequent housing density will place a significant burden and negative impact on the increasingly strained traffic volume on HWY 109, W, and FF. [cf. Jefferson County Master Plan, Criteria for Implementation, p. 59: “Traffic impact is a major determinant of development, as vehicle miles traveled and congestion increase with this pattern”]
  • The PR-1 zoning and its consequent housing density will place significant burden and negative impact on local services, especially police, fire, and the Rockwood school district. [cf. Master Plan, Community Infrastructure, p. 59: ““Fire, police, schools, parks and other community infrastructure can be supplied by existing, but remote facilities, if sufficient capacity exists.
  • The subject property falls under a “Secondary Growth Area” recommended in the Master Plan which requires suburban developments to “have transitions to Rural Development Patterns outside the area” (p. 78). Since Mirasol subdivision is already such a high density suburban development, the subject property should not extend such a development but should reflect a zoning and development that transitions toward the existing rural and large-lot developments on HWY FF.
  • The PR-1 zoning and its consequent housing density will “negatively affect the character of the property and neighboring property” (Code of Ordinances of Jefferson County, Title IV. Article IV. § 400.1140, Criteria for Consideration [Rezoning] Applications).

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