
Dear Bishop McElroy, we are a community of Parishioners from San Diego which, feel really strong about the access to the Sacraments; Sacraments that, we have been denied (or limited) as of lately and even as Government officials started losing restrictions.
We are writing you and signing this letter to ask you, on the Merciful name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to please allow our Pastors and Priests to celebrate Masses and allow the numbers to increase as, the different communities and Parishes so require, while ALWAYS observing all protocols and recommendations that Civil Authorities allow to Supermarkets, Restaurants and “Do It Yourselves” stores. We need not to be living in fear.
Pope Francis pronounced himself about the fact that, we as a Church should be a communal Church. We need and are starving for our Sacramental life (Confessions, Daily/Sunday Mass and more than anything the Eucharist).
Many of these Sacraments are better served and lived through our Perfect prayer which is the Mass.
Dear Bishop, what is more essential to God’s flock than the Eucharist?
Yours in Christ and in Our Blessed Lady,
San Diego County Parishioners.
God bless you