Kate Peck 0

Estify- Sick Day and Vacation Day Policy Change

13 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Kate Peck 0 Comments
13 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Some of us employees here at Estify feel that it is unfair to use sick days at Estify as vacation days. With days that we are sick being used up as vacation days, less people take days off to take care of their health, and more people stay at work creating an un-clean, germy and contagious environment. Since Estify has become more strict with its' schedule policies, more people around the office have become sick, come to work with sickness, and spread that around for others to catch. At this point in time, it feels like to us that there is always some sort of sickness floating around the office.

We believe at least 5 designated sick days is more than fair, with the pretense that people use honesty and integrity to submit sick days as such, and not use for simple vacation days. According to STL Today (link below) people call in sick between 10-18 days per year as a national average, so a simple 5 days compared to 0 is a very small, manageable amount of time.

We believe this will lead to a healthier, more pleasurable work environment for all of us.


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