Amendments to the MFYR Constitution
Karen Errichetti 0

Amendments to the MFYR Constitution

10 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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We the undersigned Young Republicans in good standing petition to have the following amendments to the MFYR Constitution presented at the 2010 MFYR Convention. Petition made this day Marhc 22, 2010, to the Chairman of the Federation.


Amend Article 4, Section 2, by adding part (d) to read: " Minutes from a public meeting whereby a Chairman and other members of the club’s Executive Committee are elected by popular vote of active club members.


Amend Article 4, Section 6, by adding part (c) "Election of club officers on an annual basis at a public meeting with quorum" with the renumbering of subsequent items.


Amend Article 5, Section 1 to read: "All clubs shall submit complete membership lists each year in writing (paper or electronic) to the Federation Secretary at least thirty days prior to the published date of Convention as a condition of maintenance of their charter. In order to be eligible to be a delegate at the Federation bi-annual convention, a person must be listed as a member one month in advance of the preceding the Convention...."


Amend Article 8 preamble to read "The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair, Vice-Chair, National Committeeman, National Committeewoman, Treasurer, Secretary, and Executive Director.  The Parliamentarian, Legal Counsel, and the Political Director may serve as non-voting members of the Executive Committee."


Amend Article 8, section 2, sentence 1, to read "Vacancies from elected office may be filled by interim appointment of the Chair, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee by majority vote. "


Amend Article 8, section 3, to read "National Board Members who are members of the Federation shall serve as ex-officio members of the Executive Committee. Such persons shall have a vote on the Executive Committee and shall be counted toward quorum; if an Executive Board meeting is closed they shall be permitted to remain. Members of the Federation may be endorsed by the Executive Committee in bids for National Office by the Federation unless more than one individual from Massachusetts is running for the same office."


Amend Article 11, section 1, to read "At least twenty (20) days prior to the annual Convention or a special meeting, a Credentials Committee shall be appointed by the Chair. The Credentials Committee shall determine the total number of delegates to be allowed each club as provided for in this Constitution. The Secretary, in consultation with the Treasurer, shall furnish current membership lists to the Credentials Committee. The Credentials Committee shall confirm the accuracy of such memberships lists to ensure that all members meet the criteria for membership and the Credentials Committee shall remove those who are ineligible. The Chair of each local club shall furnish a list of delegates and alternates to the Credentials Committee not later than one (1) weeks prior to the Federation Convention or a special meeting by certified mail, facsimile or email. The Credentials Committee shall notify all clubs of the requirements of voting participation at least thirty-five (35) days before the Federation Convention or a special meeting."


Amend Article 12, section 8, to read "Officers (elected and appointed) may only be removed for cause, which must be proven through the Hearing procedure described herein. Cause is defined as: 1) Failure to perform a constitutionally required duty; 2) Violation of local, state or federal laws; or 3) Failure to attend two consecutive (2) meetings of a Committee said officer is required to attend unless excused by the Chair of the Committee."


Amend Article 13, section 1, to read "There shall be one Convention meeting of the Federation held in the spring every year for the purpose of electing officers, receiving reports of officers and committees and conducting any other business that may arise. The election must take place prior to any national convention but after the Young Republican Leadership Conference. The outgoing Chair shall preside over the Convention and the term of the new officers shall begin at the close of the Convention. The Chair of the Convention may appoint a Sergeant-at-Arms for the length of the Convention. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall have the authority to maintain order during the Convention and to remove any party disrupting the Convention with the consent of the Chair."


Amend Article 13, section 7, to read "The Executive Committee shall approve delegates and proxies to the Young Republican National Federation Convention by a two-thirds vote. Any member in good standing may nominate themselves to be a delegate. Nominations to become a national delegate must be made in writing and submitted to the Federation Secretary prior to the national convention. The Executive Committee must approve delegates and proxies at least ten (10) days prior to the national convention but not before the State Federation Convention. "


Amend Article 15, section 2, to read "Amendments may be initiated by the Chair of the Federation, 1/3rd of the Executive Committee or by a petition signed by twenty-five (25) YRs submitted to the Chair and verified by the Parliamentarian. (Emails verifying signature may be accepted in lieu of actual signatures.)"


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