Erasmus 4 All
Ivor Micallef 0

Erasmus 4 All

57 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Ivor Micallef 0 Comments
57 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Do you remember: being young, full of new innovative ideas, energy and plans, making friends all over the world? We want to live that, too! We are young European citizens, working as volunteers in a network called DBYN (Don Bosco Youth Net) which has 13 member organizations all over Europe. Over the last 10 years; 12,612 young people participated in 339 different projects which we implemented – most of them founded by the “Youth in Action Program”. We want to continue doing this, too! Following the “Don Bosco education style” we are working with young people facing less possibilities in order to improve their living, reaching out to young people in need, helping to develop their full potential. By using a non-formal learning approach all our activities involve young people with fewer opportunities and from different social, economic and cultural backgrounds. We are concerned about these young European people, if in 2014 “Erasmus For All” is put into action in its current shape. What will happen to these young people? We want them to be included, too! From 2014 on YiA will not exist anymore. The new program proposed by the European Commission “Erasmus For All” will replace YiA as well as many other funding programs. In “Erasmus For All” many of the financial funds for youth work in non-formal context are not available any more. Erasmus for All’s focuses mainly on the importance of formal, higher education. We want to include ALL! How? • Non formal and formal learning must be supported in an equal way. • Volunteering is much more than EVS and must be supported in a wider field of youth mobility (e.g. youth initiative which are not included in the new program) • Funds to enable organizations to continue international networking in non-formal education. Therefore we – the young citizens of Europe – ask you to join our online petition to create change in the “Erasmus for All” program in its current shape!


DBYN is an INGYO supported by the EU's "Youth in Action's 4.1 administrative grant" and by the European Youth Foundation's "Grant C". Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Don Bosco Youth-Net ivzw, unless otherwise stated. The message also doesn't reflect he views of the European Commission or European Youth Foundation which cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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