Equal Rights for Parents

1. Parents must have control of their own lives and that of their children. 2. This can only work, however, if the garnishee is removed. 3. Parents should only go to court as a last resort and only after a minimum of 4 written attempts at resolving their issues. Judges must be bound by the following: 4. Treat everyone equally. No gender bias. No discrimination. No favoritism. 5. Parents to have unlimited, reasonable access to their children. 6. Judges must follow the Recommended Federal Child Support Guidelines Table amounts, ONLY. (This is already mandatory but judges are presently NOT following it. Special expenses and punitive awards are unconstitutional.) 7. Guidelines to be adjusted without the hidden spousal amount. 8. No punitive income awards. 9. CCRA Tax Assessed income only. 10. No special expenses. That is completely up to the parents. 11. When parents are each looking after children at their homes there is no need for child support. 12. Ensure parents provide non-confrontational access to the children. Use of email and fax to correspond provides a paper trail. 13. Allow children over 13 to arrange their own visitation with the other parent without undue interference by the custodial parent. 14. Teenagers must make time for access by the paying parent. 15. Parental/teenagers denial of access to have serious consequences. No maintenance for that month and each month until access is restored. 16. Mandatory joint legal custody. ALL major decisions regarding the children to be made by BOTH parents. 17. Mandatory access to all official documents by both parents. Health, medical and academic etc. 18. All major decisions made on behalf of the children to be discussed and approved or disapproved by both parents. Parents have the right to say no. 19. Maintenance to be taxable to the receiving parent and not the paying parent. 20. Mandatory 4 written attempts (by both parties) at resolving disputes before proceeding with court application. 21. Provide a written checklist as to what constitutes child abuse. Such as, denying access, bad mouthing, hate language etc. Parent Alienation Syndrome. 22. Print up a handbook of responsibilities of parents and teens. Teens have to be accountable too. 23. Parents to remit by check each month or an agreed upon alternative such as Maintenance Enforcement. Changes can be made to ME if both parents agree, without the judge