Demand Equal Media Coverage for John McCain
Lately, Republicans have been griping about the media\'s coverage of Sen. Barack Obama\'s overseas trip, compared with the relative non-coverage of Sen. John McCain\'s campaign. Do they have a valid complaint The Project for Excellence in Journalism has determined, in fact, they do. Their report finds: \"The week was also the sixth straight since the general election began in which Obama, the presumptive Democratic nominee, enjoyed a distinct advantage in the race for exposure over the presumptive Republican nominee, John McCain. Last week, Obama was a significant presence in 83% of campaign stories studied, vs. McCain in 52%.\" PEJ notes that this 31 percent advantage in for Obama is only slightly higher than the average lead (27%) he has enjoyed over McCain since he became the presumptive Democratic nominee It\'s time that we put an end to this outrage and demand the media give McCain equal coverage. In this crucial election year, voters have a right to know about McCain\'s highly regressive tax policy, his new plan for withdrawal from Iraq, his loathing of social security, his consistent opposition to abortion rights, his awful environmental record, and his extensive list of foreign policy gaffes. Let\'s give the Republicans what they want: more attention. Demand that media give McCain equal coverage, and watch the candidate flourish in the spotlight.