Restraining order laws are dangerous and unfair to men

I and many other men have been, and are the victims of spurious or vindictively motivated restraining orders; all which is necessary to obtain a restraining order, under the current law is an UNSUBSTANTIATED, accusation of abuse, or claim of fear of potential abuse, no matter how outlandish or bizarre. NO PROOF is needed or asked for, and the man is automatically assumed to be guilty, and is thrown out of his home, deprived of his children and property, with no recourse but a very short Hearing sometime in the future, and there is NO PENALTY for lying to the court in order to deliberately injure another person, and no provision is made for accusations made by the mentally ill. The violence against women act is a good law, but is out of balance and dangerous to many innocent men, who are often unaware that the order has been filed until the police show up to throw them out of their home. Penalties must be added for lying to the courts to obtain false restraining orders, in order to deliberately and falsely injure another party. We the people of the United States of America, demand that our Lawmakers address this gross inequity in the law and redress the wrongs done by ensuring that the abuses will be stopped and that deliberate abuses will be punished by law.