We, the members of the Coogee Beach Volleyball Association (CBVA) would like to express our united opposition to the Board decision to grant the CBVA AA male and female squad the use of one of the permanent courts during Monday and Wednesday evenings, along with Tuesday and Thursday early mornings. We seek;
We believe that all CBVA members should have equal access to the permanent courts and all training activities should be held on the training nets on the North end of Coogee. Maintaining the previous board’s ruling on training allocation. We would like to overturn the reservation of the permanent courts and request that all of Gareth’s, Marcos’s, and Joe’s trainings should occur at the upper nets.
No special privileges should be granted to specific members. The aim of the club should be to focus on the long term goal of growing the community; strengthening the sense of belonging to CBVA, acknowledging sportsmanship and team spirit.
By signing this petition, we share this perspective and request immediate changes to the training net location and restore the "equal treatment" philosophy which is at the core of CBVA mission and values.