Sabriya Karim 0

Epilepsy Care in Ontario

81 signers. Add your name now!
Sabriya Karim 0 Comments
81 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now


Deadline to Sign: Sunday, July 1st, 2012. 

Every year over 6500 Ontario families will experience a loved one having their first seizure.

Currently there is no organized system of care in Ontario for people with epilepsy and no government funded support system. There is not even a standardized approach to diagnosis and treatment. The Ontario Health Technology Advisory Committee's (OHTAC) report 'Epilepsy Care in Ontario' recommends how to change that! 

OHTAC's recommendations include improving and standardizing services to ensure that people with epilepsy in Ontario are accurately diagnosed, receive the appropriate care, and have a greater opportunity to find out if they are surgery candidates. 
(To see the full report please go to:

Stakeholders are being asked to comment on these recommendations by the end of this week. Your support will help OHTAC convince the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care to implement these necessary changes to epilepsy care in Ontario. 

What is missing from these recommendations? The report identifies that people with epilepsy are more likely to suffer from poor mental health, social isolation, and stigma. However, it never mentions the invaluable role that community-based epilepsy organizations play in helping to alleviate this suffering in the lives of those living with epilepsy and seizure disorders. Their services include employment support, counselling, advocacy, and social programs, which help combat the social isolation felt by too many of those living with epilepsy. We encourage OHTAC to include this significant missing piece in the final version of their report to the Ministry. 

Sign this petition to show OHTAC your support for a well-rounded action plan that addresses both medical services and community-based support services. 

To send personalized comments please e-mail them to:

Thank you for your support. 


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