ENOUGH! The Nationwide Weekly Protest

This past summer, Wes Clark Jr. and The Young Turks morning show on Air America Radio conceived of and promoted a great idea. All around the country, for one hour a week, people would take to the streets with a simple message for their elected officials and their neighbors alike. That message: ENOUGH! Enough of this corrupt administration, the lies, the cronyinsm, the warmongering. Enough subverting of the Constitution and stripping us of our civil rights. Enough death. Listeners everywhere were motivated and groups sprang up all over the country. The movement has continued to grow, with locations in over 50 cities. We have hundreds of members committed to protesting every week, many of them members at our ENOUGH! group at DFA Link: http://www.dfalink.com/group.phpid=2337 We have the will, we have the momentum, and we are committed to doing this for our country. We will do our part locally to promote this worthy effort. We\'ll make the signs, we\'ll stand out in the elements, we\'ll recruit new people every way we can. What we need is a megaphone to get the word out. We are asking that The Young Turks, Cenk Uygur, and Wes Clark Jr. dedicate some time each week on the show to promote the ENOUGH! movement and inform their listeners that they don\'t have to accept things as they are, that there is something they can do to stand up for our country. Protesting each week is very gratifying, but best of all it encourages people of like mind to meet, to talk, and to act locally. To Cenk, Wes, Dave, and everyone else involved at The Young Turks: this was a great thing you started. We respectfully request your continued assistance in spreading the word. Please use your considerable voice to help us continue to build upon the ENOUGH! movement. Thank you in advance for your consideration, and for all that you do to ensure that democracy is alive and well in America. With Kind Regards,