Enough of this Madness in Nigeria

Dear President Goodluck Jonathan We send you Greetings both from home and abroad. We Nigerians from different ethnic groups and religious persuasion have decided to sign this petition by appending our signatures to condemn in strongest terms the wanton killing and massacre of innocent Nigerian citizens on Christmas day 2011, who attended Churches to celebrate mass for an event dear to Christians all over the world. We also condemn reprisal attacks targeting Nigerian Muslims. We protest in strongest terms also, the massacre of innocent and defenseless Nigerian citizens by religious fundamentalists seeking to cause sectarian war between Christians and Muslims in Nigeria. Many of us are not happy with the insensitive message attributed to your office following these bombings. We understand that fighting domestic terrorism is not easy, but by appending our signatures to this petition we all agree that the government have not treated this matter as a very serious national security and emergency issue. It is the sworn responsibility of Nigerian elected officials to protect the lives and property of Nigerian citizens. We believe that Nigeria must dedicate more and adequate resources to deal with this problem and put in place Proactive and Counter Surveillance measures as part of its strategy to preempt these criminals from attacking defenseless Nigerians with impunity. Furthermore we believe that the families of these innocent citizens and the ones before them, who are victims of these fundamentalist and politically motivated attacks, are all entitled to meaningful financial compensation by the government. Maybe when our government starts paying lots of money to the families of bomb victims, it would be forced to find ways to curb and stop these attacks. We hope your administration would give this National Security problem the attention and urgency it requires. Nigeria has the resources to address this problem, the question is do we have the political will to tackle this problem? We wish you all the best and we send our sympathy and condolences to the families with lost or injured members of their family. May God grant them the courage to withstand this sad and painful tragedy? Mr. President we encourage you to address our countrymen and women and assure them that your government is bent on solving this problem of lack of security in the country in an expeditious manner May God be on your side as you seek for solutions for this national tragedy and nightmare!!