Enough is Enough! Fix the Crosswalks in Passaic Park
Taxpayers and Citizens for a Safe and Sane Passaic Park 0

Enough is Enough! Fix the Crosswalks in Passaic Park

84 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Taxpayers and Citizens for a Safe and Sane Passaic Park 0 Comments
84 people have signed. Add your voice!
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The Problem:

There are THREE barely marked, faded crosswalks in some of the highest traffic areas of Passaic Park, with thousands of pedestrians and cars competing for the same roadway to cross

Properly marked crosswalks, such as those by Van Houten and Brook Aves are nearly 1/2 mile apart, forcing a choice between using one of these three dangerous crossings or taking major detour for safety

The Solution:

Force our elected officials to FIX THE CROSSWALKS!

  • Repaint & Mark the inadequate, faded single line crosswalks with proper markings according to Nationally Recognized and Universally Accepted Standards
  • Paint ‘Crosswalk Ahead’ Warnings in roadways before the crosswalks to create awareness
  • Place Proper Signage, including LIGHTED Signage for night use
  • Educate and Enforce No Parking Rules at Crosswalks
  • Educate and Enforce Pedestrian Right of Way Laws at Crosswalks

As the officials we elected, we urge you to take corrective measures immediately before a death occurs!


We, the Taxpayers and Citizens for a Safe and Sane Passaic Park


Official Petition Letter Text Below:

Petition to the City of Passaic, County of Passaic and Capital One Bank

March 26, 2018

Enough is enough!

Today a pedestrian was hit and badly injured in the crosswalk in front of 200 Main Ave. Kosher Konnection and Quick Chek. It is a danger to cross the street in front of Capital One Bank at Main and Howard Aves, as well as the crosswalk on the Northern side of Carlton Pl. at Main Ave

This accident and the continuing dangers result from the following causes:

  1. The Passaic Police Department has failed to enforce the New Jersey State Law that makes it illegal to park within 25 feet of a cross walk – both in front of Capital One Bank and Quick Check. Capital One Bank allows its customers to park in front of the bank on either side of the cross walk and in the middle of the crosswalk and has blocked prior attempts to make it physically impossible for cars to park in front of the bank. Passaic Police Department cars are regularly seen parked in front of the bank when the bank has a parking lot in the back. It is illegal for cars to park in front of the bank and that must be enforced by the police and physical barriers must be installed to prevent cars from parking there.
  1. The City of Passaic and the County of Passaic have both failed to put proper signage, road paint and lighting at both crosswalks. The City of Passaic says it’s a County Road and the County does not respond to correspondence on the subject. Private citizens placed signage in the road in front of Capital One Bank warning drivers to stop for pedestrians and the Passaic Police Department removed them claiming that the signs did not meet regulations. Residents corresponded with TJ Best in December 2016 and received no response. Blood is on the hands of the City and County officials.

Therefore, we the citizens of Passaic demand the following:

  1. Immediate persistent and relentless enforcement by the Passaic Police Department of:
    1. The no parking within the crosswalks particularly in front of Capital One Bank which is regularly blocked by vehicles, including municipal and police vehicles.
  1. Immediate improvements to the crosswalks including but not limited to:
    1. Bright Night lighting
    2. Proper road markings
    3. Mid street signs permanently installed to warn drivers to stop for pedestrians
    4. Repair of the curb in front of Capital One Bank
    5. Flashing signs at both crosswalks as have been installed in Bergen county
    6. Painting the curbs 25 feet in both direction from the cross walks
    7. Signs reminding drivers not to park within 25 feet of the Cross walk
    8. Installation of physical barrier to permanently prevent parking in front of Capital One Bank so that the southbound traffic is narrowed to one lane using, for example, Flex-Stake Traffic Delineators
  2. A stop light at the intersection of Howard and Main Avenue.

Signed, We the Taxpayers and Citizens for a Safe and Sane Passaic

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