Quality Christian TV in Regina
Alexander Coleman 0

Quality Christian TV in Regina

15 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Alexander Coleman 0 Comments
15 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Please help get quality Christian programming BACK on the air in Regina !!!

EnLive television is a VOD, and offers Christian, family friendly viewing for the ENTIRE family. 

This channel is safe for even your youngest child.

They need your help getting into the US and Canadian markets.

Please sign this petition, and state your cable provider so that we can let them know that enough people are interested in this channel.

Your signature WILL make a difference!

For more information concerning EnLive, please visit their website at www.enlivetv.com


Halleluyah Radio, the first Christian Radio Station in Regina is sponsoring this petition. We are dedicated to the praise and worship of our Lord Jesus Christ.


EnliveTV  www.enlivetv.com

Faith Filled Family www.faithfilledfamily.com

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