Extension for Year 10 English Assessment

Year 10 students, As you know, the upcoming Year 10 English assessment, which will assess the student's ability to write an evaluative response on the documentary 'In a Strange Land', is scheduled to take place on Monday, 21st October - Week 3, Day 1, Period 3. As of today, Saturday 12th, that is nine days away. Many Year 10 students believe they have been given an insufficient amount of preparation time for the assessment, as many are still unable to access the documentary, others only accessing it yesterday. The assessment notification was made available prior to the holidays, presumably so Year 10 would be able to prepare for the exam during the break. This was not possible, however, as the documentary was not available on Clickview Online or ABC iview. Therefore, two weeks of preparation time were left unutilised. Many students believe their performance in the exam will not reflect their potential, due to the lack of preparation time given, as well as the fact they have other exams to prepare for. They have suggested that the entire year group receive an extension for this exam. Sign if you agree! This petition will be given to Miss Mcdougall either Monday or Tuesday next week. Olivia Breen