English Department: Save Teaching Position!
Vhalla Otarod 0

English Department: Save Teaching Position!

58 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Vhalla Otarod 0 Comments
58 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We are petitioning to save the teaching position in Early Medieval Literature within the English Department, which Professor Lesley Jacobs currently holds on a postdoctoral fellowship. Professor Jacobs is a well-loved professor whose enthusiasm for early medieval literatures, particularly those of the Old Norse and Old English traditions, has inspired and enriched many students.

As her fellowship comes to an end, the English Department is deciding whether or not to extend her position. She is currently the only faculty specializing in early medieval literature (which includes Beowulf!). English concentrators, as well as those studying Comparative Literature and Linguistics, face a loss of education in an entire period of literary history. Those planning on pursuing an honors thesis in this area will be left without an expert advisor.

We are petitioning to save this position because we believe it is vital to a well-rounded education in English literature. We urge the Department to consider extending Professor Jacobs' position, and in the long run, to establish a tenure-track position for this area.

Please sign to support a permanent position in early medieval literature.

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