Enforcing laws against tethering and horse carts in public areas
As the local council refuse to take charge without a significant amount of complaints I have chosen to produce this petition to show them exactly how we feel! Our once beautifully kept and well used fields, parks, football pitches and grassed areas are now overridden with horses. Not only is this dangerous and a nuisance to families who wish to walk their dogs or play with their children, it is also (according to council grass-cutters) a health and safety issue which stops them from cutting the area that the horse is tethered to. This leaves fields in a state and stops local football teams from playing comfortably. Horse carts driven by youngsters from as young as 7 on our roads; hold up traffic, defecate all over (without fines) and never consider other road users as well as not holding licences, insurance or bothering with road tax. Ungelded horses are generally irritated and easily angered leaving locals unable to cross public areas without fear for their safety and the unexperienced tethering of horses causes them to regularly pull free which of course is dangerous to everyone in the area including the horse. Why do our council or police force not do anything about this? Well we will see....