Enforce child protection laws regarding sexual imagery
Enoch C. Gould 0

Enforce child protection laws regarding sexual imagery

11 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Enoch C. Gould 0 Comments
11 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

This petition will be send to members of the US Congress (House of Representatives, and the Senate), as well as to the Office of the President of the United States of America. This petition is designed to attempt to strengthen child protection laws, such as laws forbidding the display of pornography to underage (children). This petition would not be limited to filmed pornography, but would also demand that children not be coerced or in any way made to see someone participate in a carnal act of sexual satisfaction: (or) any act of sex. I greatly appreciate the time you have taken to sign this petition: I hope you know that your action in this regards is designed to help the children that may be affected with the evil of being forced into viewing these sexual images at such young ages (less than 18 years old). With the growing popularity and allowance of homosexual "marriages" in the United States, it is high time that someone stood strong in the protection of our innocent youth in these regards. I hope to received 50,000 signatures; however this number may not be likely. Again, I thank all of you for all of your time and effort! God bless!
God is life!

Human life begins at conception!
Human fetuses are merely unborn infants!
What many often call, and/or hear called "abortion" is in reality infanticide!
Jesus Christ is The Son of God; He is Lord and Savior; He died for the sins of the world and was arisen again on the third day!
A word against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness!
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not ever be forgiven, either in this world or in the world to come!


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