Ryan Courson 0

End Wild Horse Racing in North America

1722 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Ryan Courson 0 Comments
1722 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We, the undersigned, demand that a ban be placed on the rodeo event known as Wild Horse Racing. During the course of this event, horses are placed under extreme mental & physical duress that often results in injury and even death. This event can only be viewed as inflicting undue and unjust cruelty on animals and as such, needs to be banned from competition. We feel that nothing short of a ban will suffice as there are no rules, regulations, or restrictions that could be put in place that would minimize or eliminate the horses need to fight for its life. You see, it's this very need to survive, to live, that causes the horse to act in such a "wild" manner. Surely causing an animal to fight for it's life purely for sport can ONLY be seen as cruel and inhumane.


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