End Transphobia in HRA

Since 2006, Trans and Gender Non-Conforming (TGNC) communities in New York City have been urging the Human Resources Administration (HRA) to address the rampant Transphobia discrimination and harrassment that TGNC people in New York City face when seeking to access welfare/public assitance. As a concerned community member i call on the New York City HRA to: -Approve the procedure for serving Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Clients/Participants, which was developed over the past year, immediately. -Implement mandatory cultural competency trainings focused on serving TGNC communties for all HRA employees both annually/ongoing and for new workers by September 2009. Implementation should include a schedule and plan for trainings. HRA should also include the needs of TGNC communities in agency-wide ongoing and new worker customer service trainings and cultural competency trainings. -Fully implement the procedure for serving Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Clients/Participants by December 2009 including a timeline for annual review of implementation of the procedures with the first review occuring in January of 2010