Ban Patrol Towing in Boston
To: Boston City Council The practice of “patrol towing” is disruptive to our community and should be banned. The practice of “patrol towing,” in which towing companies sign contracts with private property owners in order profit by towing vehicles without the consent of the owner is a disruptive and harmful practice. The city of Boston should join other cities such as Fairfield, Oregon in banning patrol towing. • Patrol towers frequently operate at night, when the businesses that contract them are closed. • Patrol towing has resulted in residents being towed from parking spaces that they rent legally. • Patrol towing provides an incentive to target motorists using their hazard lights or who are otherwise in distress. • Patrol towing results in petty lawsuits, which tax the resources of our courts. • Patrol towing results in aggressive confrontations, which tax the resources of our police department. For these reasons, we the undersigned support a ban on patrol towing for the City of Boston. Sincerely, The Undersigned.