Ban the use of endosulphan and carbendazim on Australian produce
Sarah Ruggi 0

Ban the use of endosulphan and carbendazim on Australian produce

22 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Sarah Ruggi 0 Comments
22 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

The use of these pesticides has been banned in 62 countries (including Asia) - but places such as Australia and Brazil still allow them to be used. Our country is being tainted by these poisons. These chemicals have been shown to cause male infertility, and in a country where our wildlife is so sacred to us, species are possibly facing their demise. It's has also been shown to do the same sort of damage as DDT, to attribute to breast cancer, and as so many of us would have seen on 60 Minutes, birth defects including children being born without eyes, physical defects, no pituitary glands which means they don't mature. For these to have been banned so extensively and not in Australia is an insult to us, the people who pick the produce off the shelves, thinking it's healthy and safe because it's from our own country and not from afar. We deserve better, our wildlife deserves better, our waterways deserve better. We have the ability to ward off pests without using such harmful toxins, that won't harm us, cause birth defects in wildlife, BIRTH DEFECTS TO PEOPLE, and won't make our own people sick. Sign the petition, and call for them to advance Australia fair by banning endosulphan and carbendazim, and any other chemical that does such extensive damage.


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