Endorsing the Right to Asylum

Whereas Article 14 of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights affirms the right of every person to "seek and enjoy in other countries asylum from prosecution," and whereas the current plight of Syrian refugees in particular necessitates that communities throughout this country fulfill an ethical responsibility to alleviate their suffering in whatever ways that are possible, and whereas we are a tolerant and inclusive community dedicated to the protection of basic human rights locally, in our state, nationally, and globally, we pledge to welcome all Syrian refugees, be they men, women, or children, regardless of their religion, age, ability, sexual orientation, or gender, to our community. We further pledge to offer the assistance necessary to allow them to lead a life of dignity and will work with all federal officials and the agencies with which they are associated to expedite the transition process. Finally, we reject the efforts of some who demonize victims of political persecution in order to play upon the fears of the general public of this State for the purposes of encouraging personal political gain