Please endorse the STEPping into the Future White Paper
Tania Siemens 0

Please endorse the STEPping into the Future White Paper

94 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Tania Siemens 0 Comments
94 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Dear STEP Community,

Over the past 9 months, the STEPping into the Future Working Group on STEP Central ( has been working to collect and compile the critical elements and lessons learned from the STEP program so that others may continue and build on those successes. We have now completed this paper, and turn again to the broader STEP Community for the last and most important part of this effort: your endorsements.

The replacement of the NSF STEP program by the IUSE program (Improving Undergraduate STEM Education), was the catalyst that motivated the STEP Community to identify, capture, and articulate critical elements from the STEP program we would like to see supported by IUSE. To that end, we crafted a white paper entitled “STEPping into the Future: Impacts of NSF STEP Program Funding on the National STEM Enterprise”. This paper lists five critical STEP priorities we recommend that NSF support when making IUSE funding decisions:

1) Adapting and implementing sustainable and potentially scalable best practices and projects, including support for scaling up at the institution and across institutions.

2) Forming and sustaining partnerships and community networks, that build and maintain relationships and disseminate results, particularly venues like the STEP grantee meeting and STEPCentral (soon to be STEMCentral).

3) Supporting creative new laboratory course and curriculum development, including funding for equipment.

4) Focusing on students, including diversity and inclusion, which complement workforce needs.

5) Recognizing the resource limitations of small institutions when assessing the education research component of the project.

Before we share these recommendations with the NSF, we request your support so that our recommendations may have the greatest possible impact. If you agree with the recommendations, please give us your endorsement by signing this "petition".

You can read the full text of the white paper here:

We deeply appreciate your support of this effort to promote the critical and successful strategies and funding priorities that have been so successful in the STEP program.

Thank you for considering this request for support!


STEPping Into the Future White Paper Working Group

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