Put an end to
John Magee 0

Put an end to "lifetime" politicians in DC and each state

25 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
John Magee 0 Comments
25 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

There are too many politicians in office in DC (and in some states) who have had as many as 5, 10, 15, even 20 or more CONSECUTIVE TERMS in office. Those "lifetime" politicians have made it impossible for anyone else to serve their country for their city/county/state.

People like Ted Kennedy (R.I.P.), Arlen Spector (PA), Robert Byrd (WV), etc have been in office FAR TOO LONG. They no longer care about what WE THE PEOPLE want, they only care about the money they get from the lobbyists and special interest groups.

When they put Term Limits in place for the President, they should have put limits on their own seats as well, but they didn't want to lose their power. WE THE PEOPLE need to tell all the Senators and Representatives (who have served more than 2 or 3 terms) that "Enough is enough, you have served your time, let someone else have a chance."

When America was first founded, the positions of Senators and Representatives were VOLUNTARY and had VERY LIMITED power, but now the politicians have given themselves too much power (like the power to vote for their own pay raises without getting approval from US, their employers). It is time WE fired those who have been in office for too long (and those who lie time and again during the elections just to win) and get some new, uncorrupted, people in office instead. It is supposed to be a government OF the People, BY the People, and FOR the People (NOT for special interest groups and lobbyists).

Please sign this petition and tell your family and friends about it. If we can get enough people involved we can take it to DC and make something happen.


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