Republicans-Pay Back The Tens of Millions You Took From The U. S. Treasury

From: End America's Republican Jinx and The American People
To The Following Republican Senators:
Sen. Mitch McConnell, Kentucky (R), Senate Minority Leader; ALABAMA: Sen. Richard Shelby, Sen. Jeff Sessions; ALASKA: Sen. Lisa Murkowski; ARIZONA: Sen. John McCain, Sen. Jon Kyl; ARKANSAS: Sen. Mark Pryor, Sen. Joln Boozman since January 3, 2011; FLORIDA: Sen. Mel Martinez, Florida (R) until September 9, 2009, Sen. George LeMieux, September 10, 2009, Sen. Marco Rubio since January 3, 2011; GEORGIA: Sen. Saxby Chambliss, Sen. Johnny Isakson; IDAHO: Sen. Mike Crapo, Sen. Jim Risch; ILLINOIS: Sen. Mark Kirk, since November 29, 2010; INDIANA: Sen. Richard Lugar, Sen. Dan Coats since January 3, 2011; IOWA: Sen. Chuck Grassley; KANSAS: Sen. Pat Roberts, Sen. Sam Brownback until January 3, 2011, Jerry Moran since January 3, 2011; KENTUCKY: Sen. Mitch McConnell, Sen. Jim Bunning until January 3, 2011, Sen. Rand Paul, since January 3, 2011; LOUISIANA Sen. David Vitter; MAINE: Sen. Olympia Snowe, Sen. Susan Collins; MASSACHUSETTS: Sen. Scott Brown from February 4, 2010; MISSISSIPPI: Sen. Thad Cochran, Sen. Roger Wicker; MISSOURI: Sen. Kit Bond until January 3, 2011, Sen. Roy Blount since January 3, 2011; NEBRASKA: Sen. Mike Johanns; NEVADA: Sen. Sen. John Ensign until May 3, 2011, Sen. Dean Heller since May 9, 2011; NEW HAMPSHIRE: Sen. Judd Gregg until January 3, 2011, Sen. Kelly Ayotte since January 3, 2011; NORTH CAROLINA: Sen. Richard Burr; NORTH DAKOTA: Sen. John Hoeven, since January 3, 2011; OHIO: Sen. George Voinovich until January 3, 2011, Sen. Rob Portman, since January 3, 2011; OKLAHOMA: Sen. Jim Inhofe, Sen. Tom Coburn; PENNSYLVANIA: Sen. Pat Toomey since January 3, 2011; SOUTH CAROLINA: Sen. Lindsey Graham, Sen. Jim DeMint; SOUTH DAKOTA: Sen. John Thune ; TENNESSEE: Sen. Lamar Alexander, Sen. Bob Corker; TEXAS: Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, Sen. John Cornyn; UTAH: Sen. Orrin Hatch, Sen. Bob Bennett until January 5, 201, Mike Lee since January 3, 2011; WISCONSIN: Sen. Ron Johnson since January 3, 2011; WYOMING: Sen. Michael Enzi, Sen. John Barrasso.
To The Republican House of Representative Leadership:
Rep. John Boehner, Speaker of ther House; Rep. Eric Cantor, House Majority Leader; Rep. Kevin McCarthy, House Majority Whip; Rep. Paul Ryan, Chairman, House Committee on the Budget
To The Republican National Committee
To The Following Republican State Committees:
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Given that…
…the #1 priority of the American people since 2009 has been for their elected officials to do everything in their power to reduce the nation’s unemployment rate. Rather than govern, the job they were paid $696,000 over the last 4 years to do, every Republican U. S Senator and the Republican House leadership conspired to sabotage all efforts to bring down the unemployment rate so that President Obama would get blamed for not totally fixing, in just 4 years, the economic catastrophe created by Republican economic policies, the very worst economic crisis America has faced since The Great Depression
Given that…
… since 2009 Senate Republicans crammed 64 years worth of filibusters, 246 filibusters, into just 4 years, to block virtually every initiative brought by the Obama Administration including those expected to create millions of jobs for Americans.
And given that…
… millions of more Americans would be working today had every Republican Senator and the Republican House leadership not blocked almost every attempt to create jobs over the last 4 years. Considering the families forced into poverty; the marriages that were ruined; the homes lost; the lives lost to suicide and illnesses brought on by despair; all because instead of doing the job the American people paid each of them $696,000 to do, they took the American people’s money but refused to do the job they were paid to do.
I Support…
I support that a class-action suit be brought against every Republican United States Senator and the Republican House leadership in Congress for all, or part of, 2009 to 2012, plus the Republican National Committee and all Republican state committees from states that had at least one Republican in the U. S. Senate any time from 2009 – 2012 to:
1. Refund to the U. S. Treasury every dollar paid to them from 2009-2012 for a total of $32,016,000 for their combined salaries and additional dollars for all benefits paid for by the American people.
2. Refund to the U. S. Treasury every one of the tens of millions of dollars paid to their staffs for salary and benefits.
3. Refund to the U. S. Treasury every one of the tens of millions of dollars paid to subsidize their office expenses.
4. Pay monetary damages to the millions of Americans that remained unemployed because the U. S. Senate Republicans and the Republican House leadership did not do the job they were paid by the American people to do.