The end of hunger
Alexandre Croquelois 0

The end of hunger

38 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Alexandre Croquelois 0 Comments
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The end of hunger We address this message to all political decision makers, whether they are currently in office or in the opposition, as well as to all the directors of large multinational groups, in order that they rapidly organize an international conference to decide concrete measures to put an end to the scandal of hunger in the world, a crisis recently aggravated by the speculation on the commodities market. The current financial crisis has shown us that enormous sums can be mobilized in order to resolve grave problems - about 700 billion dollars in the United States and 1300 billion Euros in Europe. We do not contest the need for these rescue plans which are surely necessary to save the economies of the wealthy countries. However, there are currently nearly one billion people who suffer from malnutrition, including tens of millions, especially children, who are among the most vulnerable, will die for lack of food. It appears that the sum needed to save all these human beings would not exceed a few billion, at most a few tens of billions of dollars – these would be between 100 and 1000 times less than the amount committed to save economies of rich countries. We hope that the political and economic decision makers can finally tackle and resolve the food crisis, and show the same the unity displayed in the fight against financial crisis. We commit ourselves, at our level, to make the efforts that our financial resources allow to help the most vulnerable populations through the various organizations of reference, active in the fight against hunger. Finally, we thank in advance all the journalists who, in their contacts with decision makers, wish to relay this message.


Father of two children who had the luck to be born in a rich country, I think it’s now time to offer to every human being enough to eat.

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