End York University’s Research for Arms Companies with Immoral Practices.
Sebastian Odell 0

End York University’s Research for Arms Companies with Immoral Practices.

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British Aerospace Engineers (BAE) is Britain’s largest arms dealer. According to Corporate Watch, ‘BAE Systems has committed an impressive amount of corporate crimes’, involving deals with countries including Saudi Arabia, Indonesia and Zimbabwe(1). Amnesty International condemned BAE’s deals with Saudi Arabia as endorsing a regime who displayed ‘a persistent pattern of gross human rights abuses’(2). The Serious Fraud Office has also sought to prosecute BAE for bribery in Tanzania, the Czech Republic, Romania and South Africa(3). The University of York has conducted research for BAE(4), including research into unmanned wireless aircraft, which has implications for military, as well as civilian aircraft. Even research projects that are not specifically militaristic contribute to the success of BAE. Considering the repeated corruption allegations mentioned above, the University should not contribute to the success of BAE. By signing this petition, I call for the University to end research projects for BAE and to embrace socially responsible research. 1 http://www.corporatewatch.org/?lid=185 2 http://www.corporatewatch.org/?lid=182 3 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8284073.stm). 4 http://www.nouse.co.uk/2011/05/10/arms-trade-%e2%80%9cblood-money%e2%80%9d-funds-university-research/

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