Noting that;
A. The source of the #TaxiStrike is the enforcement of the City of Cape Town's Traffic By-Laws as ammended in 2021.
B. The 2021 ammendment incorrectly added offences for impoundment which were inconsistent with Section 87 of the National Land Transport Act 5 of 2009 and therefore invalid according to Section 156(2) of the constitution.
B. This can only be solved by a meeting between the City of Cape Town and SANTACO and the City of Cape Town has been refusing to negotiate.
C. Life is normal in the affluent areas while poor areas are ransacked by criminals taking advantage of the #TaxiStrike. People cannot go to work, kids cannot go to school, private assets and public infrastructure is being vandalized.
Sign and share this petition with their families to demand;
1. The City of Cape Town government to meet with SANTACO to negotiate and resolve the matter urgently.
2. Withdraw the Traffic By-Laws as ammended in 2021 because they are the source of the conflict.
3. Use the National Land Transport Act and By-Laws consistent with the act to manage regulate public transport.