End the postcode lottery for Fracture Liaison Services (FLS)

I back the campaign run by the Royal Osteoporosis Society (ROS) and the Sunday Express.
We want everyone over 50 to have access to a quality Fracture Liaison Service (FLS). Fractures caused by osteoporosis affect half of women over 50 and a fifth of men.
In terms of years lost to premature death and disability, fractures (broken bones) caused by osteoporosis are the fourth most devastating health condition of all.
Effective therapies exist, but the postcode lottery for Fracture Liaison Services means around 90,000 people per year are missing out on treatment. The result is tens of thousands of preventable spinal and hip fractures, which are life-changing for people and costly for the NHS.
We're calling on the UK Government to use the Major Conditions Strategy to send a clear message to Integrated Care Boards that everyone over 50 deserves access to a quality Fracture Liaison Service. Those of us based in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are calling on our own devolved Government to ensure proper investment in Fracture Liaison Services to end the barriers to treatment people are facing.
Finally, then, we can deliver on the mantra that the first fracture should be the last.