Aniqa Ali 0

End the conflict in Palestine

12 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Aniqa Ali 0 Comments
12 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

The aim of this petition is to end the ongoing heinous conflict taking place between Israel and Palestine. We want the government to take this issue into account and to take action by moving forward towards helping to solve the problem. The people of the United Kingdom are vital towards making this happen as it is our voices that will need to be heard to ensure that the right decisions will be made regarding this issue. As the UK government is a part of the G8 it is vital that they work towards a peace treaty in the Middle East in order to help save lives and build a maintainable community.

We as human beings need to take responsibility by taking part in looking after world relations and this petition as well as many other petitions with the same cause will effectively do so with your help and support. This petition will ensure that the UK public are doing all they can to help address the problems between Israel and Palestine and bring it forward to the government.

The conflict has now taken another life of a child who was burnt alive, a mother who was raped and beaten to death, a father who was bombed due to explosions being set off; how can we as human beings let this happen to another human being? How many more are we going to see die before something is done?

It’s not about religion, it is about humanity.

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