End Steam's Trading Wait, Starting December 9th.
"Starting Dec 9, anyone losing items in a trade will need to have a Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator enabled on their account for at least 7 days. Otherwise, to protect against unauthorized trades, items will be held by Steam for up to 3 days before delivery. Learn more" -Escrow.
What this means is that, starting December 9th, to "help" protect against unauthorized trades, if you don't have your account secured on Steam Mobile, you have to wait 3 days for your items to go through.
This can cause NUMEROUS problems. For one, not everyone wants to do this, which can effect trading a lot. Another thing is, unless you're willing to enable steam guard authenticator, you can't really trade quickly, messing up series for YouTube Channels such as "Scrap To Unusual" or just random trading channels all in general (Dr. Buddha, PyroFusion, ETC.)
We can end this people. We don't have to put up with it. We got VALVe to remove paid mods, they'll remove this.
Please remember all of this,
-Not Bronze_ Assassin