End Plastic Bags in Corner Brook Stores

About 2 million plastic bags are used every minute around the world (Earth Policy Institute) with approximately only .5%-3% of those being recycled (BBC,CNN). This has severe consequences for our environment as it contributes to the endless amounts of plastic in our oceans, along our beaches, and around our cities and towns. The plastic pollution in our oceans including plastic bags, is responsible for the death of several marine animals (sea turtles, birds, fish, etc.) as they mistake them for food. Plastic bags breakdown in to small fragments and soak up toxins, contaminating our soils, waterways and animals who digest them. We desperately need to reduce the amount of plastic making its way into the natural environment, and one way to do this, is to cut it out at the source and stop using plastic bags.
In August 2015, Fogo Island, NL took a great leap towards a greener community and banned plastic bags in all of its stores. They provided brown paper bags if required, but more ideally, they encouraged their citizens to bring their own reusable bags. Other communities to note who have also done the same in the province are Nain, Postville and Makkovik.
It has recently been seen in the media that councilor Cormier, with the city of Corner Brook is considering a motion that would ban plastic bags at city stores (CBC News NL). Let's get on board and take the step towards a cleaner and greener city and challenge the Corner Brook council to go through with this ban and put an end to plastic bags in the city.