End Mandatory Masking of our Students!

This petition is to let the school district know that you do not agree with having our children masked at school.
The science is clear that neither cloth nor surgical masks are able to reduce transmission of airborne viruses. The science that proved this was available prior to COVID-19 but mainstream media, our health agencies and schools have ignored this science. The W.H.O. has not recommended masks for children under 5 yet here in the U.S. the CDC has recommended them for two years and up. They have never provided any science to show that the masks didn’t cause the children harm. Nor have they been able to prove that they have reduced transmission. Schools in many European nations never masked their children and currently there are states where school is 100% normal with no differences in local cases or deaths when compared to areas that are masking. The tide is changing and some news agencies are sharing more truth and more parents are demanding that schools allow students to attend unmasked.
The science is clear that masks are physically, emotionally and academically harmful to our children. Never before have we seen masking of children for such an extended period, and the signs of the damage to their speech, language and learning are alarming. Furthermore, students who already had speech, language, cognitive or academic delays, as well as those with conditions such as asthma, depression or anxiety have been disproportionately harmed by these policies.
Many teachers are finding it hard to communicate with their students and are moving away from high engagement communication dependent activities because they are more frustrating to do with muffled and unintelligible speech. This is moving our students away from deeper learning and engagement. At the beginning of the school year, we were told by a school board member that masks were not going to be mandated because the board did not want the school staff to become “mask police.” This is exactly what has happened. Some teachers and school personnel are lenient with the policies while others go out of their way to ensure compliance. Children/students see through this double standard and it adds unnecessary confusion and conflict.
Depression rates have grown alarmingly in our children and youth and the masks contribute to this by reminding them that we are still “in danger,” by making it more difficult for them to communicate effectively and by keeping them from seeing each-others smiles. Some parents have pulled their children out of school specifically because of the masking policy. Many more are simply enduring the policy in the hopes that it will go away soon. People state that children are resilient but we are doing them harm and only time will tell just how difficult this has been on them. Our children need to be able to breathe freely, see and read facial expressions (especially smiles) and know that they are not dangerous disease vectors to be feared.
Schools are built for students and their needs should come first. It is time to give our children the normal childhoods that they deserve. The only way we are going to get this back is if we stand up as parents and community members.
We have provided links to resources that support our position.
Chrisann Atuqtuaq Justice and Anna Sallisik Swisher dela Rosa