End all Forms of Violence & Cruel and Inhuman treatment so that Jiwaka can develop and prosper, with freedom, respect and the full and equal participa
In Jiwaka Province, we are witnessing a dramatic increase in crimes of torture, maiming and murder of innocent women and men who are alleged to be practicing sorcery to cause harm, illness or death. These cases have no basis in fact. They involve mob attacks based on belief a desire for persecution and revenge, and they. Many more women (than men) are being targeted and affected by these criminal, sorcery related attacks. These crimes are against the law and are committed with impunity. The number of cases is now almost weekly and we believe they are the highest on record and in living memory. The world is now hearing and PNG is earning a reputation for horrific and barbaric crimes and the failure of the police and justice system to protect women and prevent these atrocities. To build a new province, we need a new beginning, new values, beliefs and principles based not on magic and the ancestors, but on Christianity, the PNG Constitution ( Mama Lo) and laws an understanding of the human rights that belong to us all. This change in the hearts and minds of the people of Jiwaka is necessary if we want Jiwaka to develop and prosper. For development, peace and prosperity of our province, we must put an end to: • all forms of discrimination against women and girls, including attitudes and practices that result cruel, inhuman, anti-social, and anti-women acts causing fear, terror, harm and death • all forms of violence’s against Women and girls including wife-beating, including sexual violence • the torturing, maiming and murdering of innocent women and men in our communities, • the illegal consumption of home brew, alcohol and marijuana by our youth that is ruining our next generation We the undersigned, request the Prime Minister of PNG and the Ministry of Police and Justice to take immediate action to enable the women of Jiwaka to live their lives free from terror and violence. (We want the same protections and support for all of our suffering sisters across the Highlands region, as well as the whole of PNG)