End All Alberta Covid-19 Restrictions and Mandates

Petition to End All Mandates in Response to Covid-19
January 25, 2022
Albertans have the right to informed choice when it comes to vaccines and other medical treatments; they cannot be forced or coerced in any way. However, coercion and force is occurring through measures like the Restrictions Exemption Program, and both public and private sectors that are instituting unlawful vaccine mandates.
Albertans need their freedom of movement, and freedom of assembly guaranteed by the government of the Province.
Albertans need the right to the privacy of their personal health data to be positively affirmed by the government.
Albertans need the right to their religious conscience and conviction upheld by their government.
Albertans need their government to stand up for them against measures and mandates that are in conflict with their rights as individuals living in the Province.
Universal masking mandates have not been proven significantly effective at reducing transmission of respiratory illnesses such as Covid-19. There are well documented negative psychological and physiological ramifications as a result of prolonged mask usage in individuals, children, and communities.
Vaccine passports/the REP negatively impact sectors of the economy (travel, tourism, and hospitality, etc.), as well as the quality of life of Albertans and residents of Alberta, and Canada.
Vaccine passports/the REP do not recognize the robust immunity of those with previous infection, and it coerces those with natural exposure to become vaccinated, despite limited data on the safety of the inoculations for these people.
Vaccine passports/the REP are unscientific; it is asserted the REP is instituted on the basis that the vaccines reduce transmission, and that only the unvaccinated will put a strain on hospitals. Authoritative medical organizations have stated that the former claim is not substantiated, and our provincial data reveals the latter assertion is also untrue. This means the basis for the REP is entirely unfounded.
Vaccine passports/the REP, are inherently forceful and coercive, and are in direct opposition to the freedom of the individual and medical privacy, and;
It is the sacred duty of the Alberta Legislature and those serving in government within Canada under our Charter to guard against discrimination, and to guarantee the freedoms secured to Albertans, and all Canadians.
Our current government is implementing sweeping rules and mandates that are unlawful and unscientific, and that are destroying the foundation of our businesses, industries, education, livelihoods, health and wellbeing, and our freedoms as citizens living in the Province of Alberta.
We are demanding an end to all mandates and restrictions that have been placed upon the citizens of the province of Alberta in the government’s response to Covid-19, and the reinstatement and acknowledgement of the inalienable rights guaranteed to us as citizens.
Please note that this petition is not asking for any monetary donations - after you have signed the petition, the request for support is a pop up from the ipetitions website itself, to ask you to support their platform. This is in no way affiliated with this petition. As it notes on that page "This is not a contribution to the person or organization whose petition you just signed."