It is time for the Congress of the USA to come to terms with the mess they have made of the financial status of this country and show empathy, leadership and take responsibility for their actions and lack thereof.
This petition is to make them aware that we, the citizens of America, want them to:
*Take a 30% pay cut *Stop the use of all Limo Service
*Decrease their vacations by 50% and work more to bring jobs back to America that have been and are being sent overseas
*Pass legislation that all companies who send jobs overseas and have jobs overseas that were once held in America be fined $1MM a day until the jobs are returned to the US *Cut their staff by 50%
*Decrease all reimburseable expenses by 50%
*Place TERM LIMITS of no more than 8 years for any one person. to serve in the House and/or Senate.
*We want them to have No taxpayer security or pension after leaving office. No health care or anything paid for after leaving office.
*Change present health care coverage to a plan paid for by each congressperson and no longer paid for by the taxpayers, since WE CANNOT GET HEALTH CARE. The policy for congresspersons should be an 80/20 policy with a $2k FAMILY DEDUCTIBLE.
TAXPAYERS, demand that we get what we are paying for from the idiots in congress!!!
Demand that these representatives of themselves, because they do not represent us show empathy, leadership and responsibilty for what the American public is going through and go through something THEMSELVES.
It's about time you became real Americans again and not the elite waiting to pass bills that do not and will not help us make it through this horrible situation YOU created.