Revitalize Don\'t Supersize Emory Village

***Revitalize Don\'t Supersize Emory Village***** We the undersigned former residents AND GRADUATES OF DRUID HILLS HIGH SCHOOL support a revitalization of Emory Village that complements the Druid Hills Historic District of which the village is a part. We support revitalizing Emory Village using guidelines that maintain scale, mass, and proportion in keeping with the rest of the Druid Hills neighborhood. To this end, we specifically support a maximum of two stories in the village. We want to keep the original purpose of the village which was established in the 1920s as a neighborhood commercial center for surrounding Druid Hills and Emory University. We urge our DeKalb County Commissioners to say no to the AIEV zoning overlay proposal. *Please don\'t forget: The final vote on the Emory Village Zoning Overlay is on Tuesday, March 13th at 10 AM. Located at Maloof Auditorium, 1300 Commerce Drive in Decatur. Your presence is extremely crucial!!!!! Please come and show the commissioners that our neighborhood opposes the AIEV overlay. Before March 13th, urge the county commissioners to deny the AIEV\'s zoning overlay application. Even if you have contacted them before on this issue, get your message to them again to \"vote no to the Emory Village Zoning Overlay Proposal.\" Jeff Rader (our district) jrader@co.dekalb.ga.us Kathie Gannon (our district) kgannon@co.dekalb.ga.us Elaine Boyer njmcbrid@co.dekalb.ga.us Larry Johnson larryjohnson@co.dekalb.ga.us Burrell Ellis bellis@co.dekalb.ga.us Lee May lmay@co.dekalb.ga.us Connie Stokes conniestokes@co.dekalb.ga.us We will be providing your signatures to the commissioners to show that our neighborhood will not be bullied by what the developers want but what our community wants! *All the information that is collected below cannot be viewed by others online and will not be used by this web site for soliciting purposes. Your privacy is completely protected and the information will only be shown to the commissioners. ***You do not have to pay any money to sign up or after you sign up - it is FREE! After you enter your name and other information and click on the \"sign petition\" button you are DONE. However, you will see a box headed \"contribute to ipetition.\" The website is asking you to contribute to them. Ignore this request and just close the website. YOUR SIGNATURE HAS ALREADY BEEN RECORDED. DO NOT provide credit card information! Thanks!