Emergency Nurse Bonus

The goal of this petition is to help our hard working department get the bonus we deserve! Once completed we plan to send this petition to management and above.
We are on the Frontline of the hospital. We take care of not only our Emergency patients but all the complex problems other departments can not manage. Outpatients on the weekends, Inpatients when the hospital is full, and we are the code bed when there is no code bed. We fill all our own staffing holes and never need to mandate anyone.
Our staff is amazing! There are retention and sign on bonuses being offered all over the hospital but not to devoted ED staff. What are these departments doing that we aren't? Are they going above and beyond like we are? Our department keeps the hospital running and we should be recognized for all our hard work.
We don't want to lose our experienced nurses! It costs the department more money to train a new nurse than it does to pay a retention bonus to keep our already experienced nurses! It also can mean the difference between a safe and unsafe department to work in or be a patient in.
Please sign below to support retention bonuses for the Emergency Department!!!