Emblem3 Acoustic Album

OK! So I was going through my tumblr feed now that the song-samples have been released on iTunes and everyone seemed to be a little upset with the amount of auto-tune and electronic additons to the songs. I also saw numerous people suggesting an acoustic album. Why not petition for one? We're the fans and they make music for us to buy. That's the whole point of being a recording artist- making music for others to enjoy. So let's all get together and petition for an acoustic album! I chose 5k signatures because I know that the group twitter has AT LEAST ten times that many followers. I mean Wesley has 400K on IG so if a ONE PERCENT of us signed this petition we could achieve this. Who knows? If they see the interest from the fans, we may get this album. We'll never know if we don't try. We've really got... Nothing To Lose.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Those3CaliBoys
IG: @badluckemblemthree
Kik: scsurfergirl
Feel free to contact me! Thanks for your support :)