Elmira city school district lice prevention
Joseph Yarborough 0

Elmira city school district lice prevention

18 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Joseph Yarborough 0 Comments
18 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Lots of families are dealing with a lice epidemic in our school district. They have not sent any letterheads to families to warn them about lice. Yes we all know that our kids schools holds this problem. They also know it could happen at any time. The schools tell me that they don't send letters because they don't wanna discriminate against students if they have lice. You can warn the parents that there is a problem and the students need to be checked and treated if necessary. I have spent over 1200 dollars since end of school last year. I have spent countless hours disinfecting my kids stuff and my house. So I petition the Elmira city school districts to pay for disinfecting our homes and kids hair until we get this undercontrol. So who is with me? Whose families have been broken by spending hundreds of dollars? Please sign this petition and fight back for the incompetentance that lacked within our schools and failure to our children. This goes for the parents that doesn't care and not trying to protect our children!!!

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